Barack Obama Will Make An Astonishing Fortune Off Second Term

When Barack Obama first entered the White House, his net worth was $1.3 million. Four years later that net worth has grown to 800% to $11.8 million! How did this growth happen?

Two words: BOOK SALES. Prior to becoming POTUS, Barack Obama earned roughly $60,000 per year as an Illinois state senator and $174,000 per year when he eventually became a United States Senator. Interestingly, back then Barack was not the big bread winner in the family, Michelle was. In her position as the Vice President of Community Affairs for the University of Chicago Hospitals, Michelle Obama was earning nearly $320,000 a year in salary before her husband became the most powerful man in the world.

Barack’s wallet began to expand after his much praised keynote speech at the 2004 Democratic National Convention that marked his explosion onto the national conscience. As Obama’s profile rose, so did sales of his 1995 book “Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance”. In 2005, the Obama’s income grew from around $200,000 to a combined $1.7 million! In 2006 the Obamas reported income of $916,000. Barack’s second book “Audacity of Hope”, released in October 2006, was a massive hit, selling millions of copies and rocketing the Obama’s income to $4.2 million in 2007! Their income continued to swell in the following years thanks to Barack’s 2008 successful campaign and election.
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